Sunday 28 February 2021


Goat fighting Ram fighting is a blood sport between two rams (large-horned male sheep)  held in a ring or open field. In tamilnadu Ram fighting, also known as kidaai muttu, conducted as part of temple festivals in southern parts of tamilnadu like Madurai, Ramand, Theni etc .

In the wild ram fights occurs naturally as a bovine behaviour to settle dominance hierarchy a contest for alpha male status among virile rams, by ramming their heads into others. traditionally the male aggressiveness is not a desirable quality among sheep husbandry, as the sheep farmers prefer a docile sheeps in husbandry. In tamil nadu traditionally farmers and shepherds had separate domestication for aggressive rams traditionally they conduct ram fighting as an occasion during temples festivals. In this rams fighting head to head until one of them is unable to continue the fight. People raise these animals for the sport say that they don't eat the animals and they raise them only to participate in the competition. Till now we could see many of them owning up to 20 rams which are trained to fight. In this pictures we could see the #ramfight #kida_sandai held in the rural part of souther parts of tamilnadu. In the other hand the the sculpture of ram fight is depicted at Airavatesvara Temple  of #Darasuram, near Kumbakonam, Thanjavur District in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. This temple, built by Rajaraja Chola II in the 12th century CE is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From this picture we could understand that the ram fight has  heritage continuity of more than 900 years.


#comparison #heritage #farming #cholas #husbandry  #kidaai_Muttu