Wednesday 24 March 2021

aazhi ther

#Aazhi_Ther event is the very old and ancient festivals that are often mentioned in the devotional hymns of saints (like  Appar, Thirugnanasambandar and Sundarar ) and many Tamil literature like ancient Tamil epic Silappathikaram etc. References to Aazhi Ther festival in Thiruvarur are found in the #Modi (Marathi language) scripts of the Thanjavur Mahratta Ruler Shahaji (1684-1712 AD) at the famous Saraswathi Mahal Library in Thanjavur. Aazhi Ther is the biggest temple chariot in Asia. The 30-ft tall temple car rises to 96 ft, after decoration is completed with bamboo poles and colourful cloth the kalasam alone accounting for 6 ft all of which take the original weight of 220 tonnes to 350. In collage we could see the17th century ceiling and wall paintings in #Thiruvarur #thiyagarajar temple #Devasiriya #mandapa ceiling, second bay from the east which illustrates viswakarma returns to inform #Muchukunda that Thiruvarur is the suitable place. The original Thiagaraja and the other six images are taken to earth in a superbly decorated chariot The celestials throw flower petals on the conveyance. In the other hand we could see the current structure of #tiruvarur #aazhither.

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Colorful flags now & then

Thiruvarur Thyagaraja Temple Devasiriya mandapam ceiling which has beautiful 17th century murals describes the sthala mahthmiyam. In this picture we could see the #Thyagaraja's procession in Indra’s city Amaravati ( heaven ) during the procession of thiyagarajar the court Musicians and dancers took part in the rituals. In this pictures we could see the colorful hanging flags were taken during procession. In the other hand we could see the similar colorful flags which were hoisted in kerala temples during the annul festivals and during the village festivals.From this pictures we could see the continuity and usege of these kind of flags still exist in the rural parts of kerala but now we couldn't see this traditional flag useage in tamilnadu .

-- Ramu.Rm.N

#Comparison #connectivity #flags #flagpost #murals #thiruvarur #rituals #kerala #temples #tamilnadu #Ramu