Wednesday 24 March 2021

aazhi ther

#Aazhi_Ther event is the very old and ancient festivals that are often mentioned in the devotional hymns of saints (like  Appar, Thirugnanasambandar and Sundarar ) and many Tamil literature like ancient Tamil epic Silappathikaram etc. References to Aazhi Ther festival in Thiruvarur are found in the #Modi (Marathi language) scripts of the Thanjavur Mahratta Ruler Shahaji (1684-1712 AD) at the famous Saraswathi Mahal Library in Thanjavur. Aazhi Ther is the biggest temple chariot in Asia. The 30-ft tall temple car rises to 96 ft, after decoration is completed with bamboo poles and colourful cloth the kalasam alone accounting for 6 ft all of which take the original weight of 220 tonnes to 350. In collage we could see the17th century ceiling and wall paintings in #Thiruvarur #thiyagarajar temple #Devasiriya #mandapa ceiling, second bay from the east which illustrates viswakarma returns to inform #Muchukunda that Thiruvarur is the suitable place. The original Thiagaraja and the other six images are taken to earth in a superbly decorated chariot The celestials throw flower petals on the conveyance. In the other hand we could see the current structure of #tiruvarur #aazhither.

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