Friday 9 April 2021

#Dieng_ brahma

#Dieng_ brahma

#Brahma is best known for his role in the Hindu pantheon as creator of the universe. when many Hindu deities were incorporated into the practices of Khmer Buddhism. In the Buddhist traditions as a protector of the “dharma” (Buddhist teachings).Brahma’s four faces, which look in all four directions at once, signal his omniscience and he is mounted on the Hamsa or sacred goose; his attributes include: disc, ladle, book, rosary, vase, flying whisk and sceptre.

#8th_century bhrama on his vehicle hamsa (swan) Brahmas carrier hamsa the swan is seen here as a swan-man a very unique representation in Hindu iconography this sculpture was found at  Dieng , Central Java, at 1903  now displayed at  National Museum, Jakarta, Java.


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