Sunday 6 June 2021


#Sahasraradala #padmam

Sahasrara Padma the lotus with thousand petals. These petals are arranged in 20 layers, each layer with approximately 50 petals. Sahasraradala Padmam is considered sacred and is related with the Crown chakra which is symbolic of supreme consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. The crown chakra is considered the seventh primary chakra in some tantric yoga traditions.

The thousand here does not literally mean the numeral one thousand, but means what cannot be counted, that is, infinite . By opening and aligning the chakras, energy centres in the human body, from the bottom of the spine upward right up to the Sahasrara Chakra the window to enlightenment is thrown open. Here infinite energy is visualised in the infinite petals of the lotus – the thousand-petalled lotus, so to speak that is a moniker for Brahmn, consciousness, that has neither beginning nor end and which is suffused with boundless energy.

Hindu gods and goddesses are mostly depicted with a lotus in the frame, either they are seated on it or the petals are carved on their throne.Perhaps the lotus as a metaphysical symbol of reaching for infinity is included in the hope of inspiring us to aspire for what lies beyond and in the process to go through stages of evolvement that will exude goodness, compassion, strength, courage and determination. Here in this collage we can see the Sahasrara Padma murals is shown in temple ceilings in Tamil Nadu . On the other hand we can see the Sahasrarapadam patterns were used in #jewellery which were occasionally used for deities on ceremonial processions . We can see this patterns at Madurai’s Meenakshi Amman Temple , Kanchipuram Varadaraja Temple , Thirchy Uraiyur Temple and Kumbakonam Sarangpani Temple .
It is connected with the universal mind and holds the elixir of life. It symbolises knowledge and is also called Nirvana in Jain and Buddhist tradition. Buddha is sometimes depicted as Padmapani holding the lotus flower in his hand, denoting detachment.


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