Saturday 29 October 2022

#thandai ankle cuff


The ankle cuff ( #thandai ) has a prominent existence throughout history. According to shapes the name of the ankle cuffs will be varied. The beads in the ankle cuffs produces a delicate anklets that makes rhythmic #tinkle with every step. Its a common #jewelery used by both male and female from all cultures have adorned their ankles as indicators of wealth and social and marital status, as well as beautifiers. Hereditary chain anklets made with gold and diamonds were given to eligible people like nobles, village leaders, and landowners as a sign of special recognition. A wearer of such an anklet was entitled in court and exempt from custom duties, search and seizures, and the criminal process. Anklets were later adopted in silver and brass.

In this collage we could see the brass and silver tinkling leg cuffs were still used for infants throughout India and in the other hand we could see the similar golden cuffs ( thandai ) has been used for processional deities in tamilnadu. thandai were quit commonly used till early 20th century so from these pictured could understand the usage of anklets from deity to the common public is quite common and also similar pattern do exist for some centuries too.

--- Ramu. Rm.N
#comparison #jewelry #Indian_jewelry #continuation #ankle_rings #anklecuffs 

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