Tuesday 28 April 2020

ashtabhuja Vishnu

Ashtabhuja Vishnu comparison

Ashtabhuja Vishnu  (in Sanskrit, ashta is eight and bhuja is hand). He is worshipped as Attabhuyakaram in Tamil.Vishnu in a standing posture with eight hands,
 Ashtabhuja Perumal holds the conch (sanku), bow (dhanusu), shield (khetakam) and mace (gada), while in the right hands, this deity holds the discus (sudarshana chakram), sword (asiu), lotus (padmam) and arrow (banam).
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6 th century Ashtabhuja vishnu relief from #Badami cave3  by Chalukya kings at badami Karnataka. Badami, formerly known as Vatapi it was the regal capital of the Badami Chalukyas from AD 540 to 757. It is famous for its rock cut structural temples. Badami has been selected as one of the heritage cities of India.
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  Ashtabhuja Perumal Temple located in #Kanchipuram this temple is located in Vishnu Kanchi or Chinna Kanchipuram in Hodgosonpet, located 2 km away from Varadaraja Perumal Temple. The temple have been renovated by the Pallavas of the late 8th century. And this temple is glorified in the Divya Prabandham the early medieval Tamil canon of the Azhwar saints ,  PeyAzhwar and Thirumangai Azhwar in one hymn during the 6th–9th centuries.
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10th Century Eight Handed Vishnu in Angkor Wat Temple in #Cambodia, here Vishnu is sculpted as the Supreme God with Eight Arms.he is worshipped as main deity by Buddhists and Hindus. This temple is maintained by Buddhist and the exhibit is strong resemblances  to the living/worshipped ancient temples of Tamilnadu Ashtabhujakaram is a temple situated in Kanchipuram & badami cave ashtabhuja vishnu is not a functioning temple its a monument site. In Cambodia Buddhists worship astajabuja Vishnu as Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Amoghapasha .At Prasat Kravan also we can see a relief of eight handed Vishnu and four hand vishnu.
PC: Google

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